Category: Social Media

Custom Social Media for Your Nonprofit Organization

social media dallas tx

As a nonprofit organization, you need to show your donors what you are up to on a consistent basis. This includes getting out into the world to talk with the public, but these days, your online presence plays just as big of a role in your ability to help others. Your custom content on your… Read more »

We Can Help Promote Your Next Fundraiser

mdpm easl nonprofit

As a nonprofit, you’re always looking for events and increasing opportunities to spread the word about your mission, and to raise support in the form of funds and volunteers. But for this to work, you need to be able to spread the word about your next event! Fortunately, MDPM Marketing for Nonprofits can help. In… Read more »

We Can Manage Your Nonprofit’s Social Media Pages

Right now, nonprofits across the world are facing a difficult problem: Despite being needed more than ever, staying open and operational is more difficult due to the pandemic. Being able to receive funding from government programs as well as private donors and investors means letting people know what your mission is and showing them that… Read more »

Let Social Media Showcase Your Nonprofit and Attract Reviews

As a nonprofit, you have an important mission to help those in your community and often around the world, and due to the uncertainty and severe problems facing our country today, this means your services are needed now more than ever. This is why an online marketing plan that increases your visibility to those who… Read more »