Your Non-Profit Needs Reputation Management!

When you decide whether to give a company your business, or to support and donate to a local non-profit, do you base your decision solely on a website? No, you check out social media and reviews to see what other people are saying. We put a lot of weight on the experiences of others, and search engines know this fact. For that reason, MDPM Dental Marketing recommends a solid reputation management plan for non-profit businesses, ensuring people find positive news and updates about your business, and that you enjoy better SEO in the process.


How Non-Profits Benefit from SEO

If you’re looking to become a volunteer or a potential donor, where will you look to discover or find out more about a non-profit in your community? Whether you’re looking for a place to invest your time and energy that serves our community, or simply a good place to eat, society always turn to a search engine. Once we type in our query, we’re rarely going to look past the first two or three results on a Search Engine Results Page (SERP). This means your not-for-profit, like any business, will need a solid Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Strategy to make sure you hit the top of that front page!


Why Should My Non-Profit Consider A Custom Website?

At one time, business or non-profit entities had a physical store front that acted as the face of their business. Now, this inviting façade is online, and is discovered when someone does an online search for a non-profit in their community. This means your website should not only be modern and inviting, but designed with SEO in mind to ensure better rankings on Google and a wider reach. At MDPM Dental Marketing, we know how to design and create a custom site for a non-profit, and we know the benefits they have over template options.
