It can be incredibly difficult to break into the not for profit realm, especially if the organization itself has difficulty maintaining recognition. The goal and content may be top-quality, but the fact of the matter is that it can only go so far if viewers and donors are not brought in. Unlike large companies that profit from their services and have the funds to ensure their visibility, smaller organizations such as yours may, in fact, have difficulties promoting their mission due to a lack of online traffic or visibility. Fortunately, the team at MDPM Marketing for Nonprofits in Dallas, TX recognizes that each organization has its own unique needs, but that a major key to gaining views and garnering attention online is by having a user-friendly custom website.
We Can Manage Your Nonprofit’s Social Media Pages
Right now, nonprofits across the world are facing a difficult problem: Despite being needed more than ever, staying open and operational is more difficult due to the pandemic. Being able to receive funding from government programs as well as private donors and investors means letting people know what your mission is and showing them that you’re a professional and well-organized group. Fortunately, MDPM Marketing for Nonprofits knows that there is one way to accomplish this that also allows you to engage with people online and improve overall search engine optimization (SEO) too! In today’s blog, we’re talking about why you need a solid social media strategy, and we can help.
Better Online Content Helps Your Nonprofit’s SEO
When you Google (or Bing or Yahoo) a business or a nonprofit in your community, the results show up on a search engine results page, or a SERP. Odds are, most people will find what they’re looking for on the first page, and usually, within the first two or three results. MDPM Marketing for Nonprofits uses search engine optimization (SEO) to help our clients land on this first page, and eventually, reach one of the top spots. To accomplish this and to help them maintain these positions, we practice organic SEO using a content-focused approach. In today’s blog, we’re going to look at how we create content that appeals to popular search engines, and in turn, causes them to direct more people to your not-for-profit website!
Let Social Media Showcase Your Nonprofit and Attract Reviews
As a nonprofit, you have an important mission to help those in your community and often around the world, and due to the uncertainty and severe problems facing our country today, this means your services are needed now more than ever. This is why an online marketing plan that increases your visibility to those who benefit from your mission is incredibly valuable. In today’s blog, MDPM Marketing for Nonprofits is looking at how social media reviews help your online reputation and improve views for your webpages. We’re going to explain how to build up an active social media presence that encourages reviews as well as help bring new eyes to your not-for-profit website and social media pages.
Your Nonprofit Benefits from Custom Metadata
The past several months have seen operations for many not-for-profits struggle, unable to host events to raise funds or even continue their mission to help the community and those in need. However, now that many states in the country are opening a lot of nonprofits have a chance to grow again, and many find themselves in a position where their services are needed more than ever. This is why a solid marketing plan is crucial for improving your chances of being discovered and, in turn, increase the ability to attract the support and funds needed to make a difference. While SEO helps you obtain better positions on a search engine results page (SERP), often it’s the metadata in your listing that makes people more likely to click and support your organization. In today’s blog, MDPM Marketing for Nonprofits discusses how we use this data to help your organization!
Why Your Nonprofit Website Benefits From a Redesign
People often avoid updating their website for a number of reasons, such as fear that major changes could interfere with search engine optimization (SEO) efforts, or simply not knowing where to even start with an update. However, since your webpage designs and layouts are often outdated after just three years, letting your website grow older and older could harm SEO and have a negative impact on how potential supporters view your nonprofit. Fortunately, MDPM Marketing for Nonprofits offers redesign options that ensure your website keeps up with the latest design trends and communicates more clearly with search engines like Google, thus boosting SEO. Has the time come for a redesign? Learn more in today’s blog!
Does Your Nonprofit Have an Active GMB Page?
Reputation management helps increase your visibility online while also ensuring that people interested in your mission or your not-for-profit can find positive and engaging content online. A vital part of this process is to start and maintain an active Google My Business (GMB) page. In today’s blog, MDPM Marketing for Nonprofits discusses the importance of these pages for search engine optimization (SEO) and reputation management, as well as the special options we provide specifically for nonprofits!
Your Nonprofit Needs A Custom Website!
Right now, the turmoil in our country has revealed that despite there being serious problems in many of our institutions, the people in our country are good at heart, and that has never been clearer with the eagerness at which they donate to groups and organizations helping their community. People simply want to help organizations that help others. This means for a not-for-profit company, you need to be able to show them exactly what you hope to do in their community, and also assure them that you’re a professional organization who will put their dollars to good use. MDPM Marketing for Nonprofits knows that a custom-built website is a great way to showcase your strengths and help your not-for-profit grow!
We Want to Improve Your Nonprofit’s Security Online
Running a not-for-profit organization can be an incredibly rewarding experience. You have the opportunity to help those in your community and bring awareness to very important issues. However, we know that operating these organizations takes a lot of work, which could mean little time to dedicate to issues like website security. Fortunately, MDPM Marketing for Nonprofits understands, and our team of designers and builders are ready to help create custom content with built-in defenses against common cyber threats, such as data breaches and even DDoS attacks. After all, your donors and investors need to know they can trust you with their information, and their financial support!
Creating a Custom Website for a Nonprofit
Businesses of all types, even not-for-profits, need an online marketing strategy to help attract new clients and customers, as well as donors and volunteers. A successful plan, one that improves search engine optimization (SEO) and helps grow your venture, often begins with a custom website. At MDPM Dental Marketing, we know how to create a custom site that serves a nonprofit’s mission and fits within their budget. We also know that this option offers a host of benefits over templated versions. But what goes into the design and creation of your custom nonprofit website?